Thursday, 26 June 2014

Smitten By Pinks?

Hello!! I'm here and I'm going to pretend I've not been away for sometime. Haha! Wow, look at the time fly! Many things has happened, and among the "new" is my growing Pink Stuffs. Just for clarity sake, I don't and never have hated pink. I simply don't prefer them on me. Looking back, I don't have many pink memories. I do however, remember a few. I vividly remember picking out a pair of shoe with pink shoelaces during one of my pre-school days. I remembered I loved a pink hairband which I wore it almost every time, especially on occasions -- until I carelessly left it at a playground *sigh*. Trust me, I was sad for a period of time. At the age of 12, I spotted a pink three quartered sleeved turtle neck shirt and fell in love. It was probably the only pink shirt I had that I'll say I looked good in it every time I wore it. Hahaha! But since then, I haven't been able to identify much with pink hues. 

To date, I have only two pink clothes in my closet. A tank top which so far, I've only wore once. And a saturated dark pink cardigan which I love and wear it when I need a pop of colour to my outfit. Recently, I've been adding more pinks, a few pink nail polishes and a pink luggage bag. *Sigh* The luggage bag, I was deceived under warm lighting. Tricked to think it has more yellow hue. When I saw the bag under natural daylight I felt a pang of regret. Comforted myself that at least it was a bargain (got it at half price). And at least I'll know that it is my bag when I have to collect it. (Let's do a quick survey, would you buy a pink luggage bag?) Looking at the bag now under natural artificial light, its not that bad. It's still a bold pink, fortunately, do lean on the warmer side and I'm actually liking it more and more. Lols! So I guess things didn't turn out that bad after all.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Clashing Colours

Hellossss! Did I say Friday? What I meant was Monday :P Haha, kidding. Well you see, though I had intended this for last Friday, it has completely slipped my mind that the pictures were unedited. So yes, much apologies on my part. When I finally got the pictures ready and began typing this post it felt like I was rushing through, just so I could post as soon as possible. While that wasn't a bad intention, I do not wish for any of you who took your time reading my post to read a 'last minute' thing. :) So, yeah enough with the explanation, let's get on with the nail art! ;)

Clashing Colours lacqueerisa.blogspot.comClashing Colours